Who Celebrates the World Day?


Day of Prayer and Action for Children

Two thousand children and Youth, Religious leaders, Community leaders, FBOs and CSOs will assemble on the 20th November, 2012  to commemorate the Day of Prayer and Action for Children at the Karimjee Grounds, Dar es Salaam.

With the theme Stop Violence against Children, this year’s commemorations will be graced by the Deputy Minister for Community, Development, Gender and Children, Honourable Ummy A. Mwalimu and will see Children and Religious leaders present their statements on the following sub-themes: Birth registration, Positive Parenting and Preventing teenage pregnancies as strategies to accelerate the mission to Stop Violence against Children as was deliberated in the Workshop organized for Religious Leaders, Children and Community Leaders.  Additionally, the UNICEF Country Representative and the Guest of Honor,  Hon. Ummy A. Mwalimu will share with the children on the incidences of Violence against Children in Tanzania and the diverse efforts being shaped to protect Tanzanian children.

The Commemorations will also be filled with Edutainment from different groups including music performance from the GNRC Music Conscious Band, Drama presentations from the Buguruni School of the Deaf and Traditional Dance/ Drama and Acrobats from the Dogodogo Centre and Kigamboni Community Centre. Moreover, there will be a poem presentation by a Peace Club member from Zanzibar on the theme and sub-themes presented in the traditional and entertaining Zanzibari style.

To not forget the importance of both Action and Prayer on this day, the day’s events will be commenced with opening prayers from Youth representing different faiths and at noon the gathering will hold a one minute silent prayer for the cause of this important campaign.


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