Get Involved

Take Action
Faith communities and organizations have a leading and critical role in promoting children’s rights and well-being and ending violence against children. You could start to take action by celebrating the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children in your community or school!
Actions to promote children’s well-being and to protect their rights can take multiple forms include through:
- community service
- counseling
- prayer services
- capacity building initiatives
- policy development
- platform building and mobilization

Contact us and let us know about your organization or initiative, and ways in which your work promotes prayer and action for children’s rights and well-being.
We encourage you to connect also with the Global Network of Religions for Children which convenes faith communities and organizations in 57 countries!

Prayer and Action for Children is committed to supporting interfaith cooperation through learning opportunities that aim to advance children’s rights and well-being across religions and cultures. Please join our upcoming online courses.