Arigatou International – Prayer and Action All for Children ardently supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Here, we focus on Indicator 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children.
When it comes to children’s rights and well-being, several SDGs are particularly relevant. These goals focus on ensuring healthy lives, promoting well-being at all ages, providing equitable education, and fostering environments where children can grow free from violence and exploitation.
According to UNICEF, one of our key partners, “The SDGs are universal in scope, and their call to leave no one behind puts the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized people – including children – at the top of the agenda.” UNICEF is also “the custodian and co-custodian of 19 SDGs goals indicators,” directly impacting children. But since all goals are interlinked, in every place where the goals are not being met, the instances of violence against children increase.
The SDGs are the plan of action for a better future; our children are the future. The achievement of the SDGs will fundamentally shape the world that children will inherit and play a critical role in securing their future and the planet they will live on. Join the campaign by learning and promoting the Goals with us!