Who Celebrates the World Day?



Stats: 1 City, 400 Attendees

What Forms Did the Observations Take?
H, B, I, Ch, Ba  |  5 Traditions

What Form Was the Take Action?
Advocacy of Ethics and Prayer Interfaith Conference

DPAC Nepal will celebrate Day of Prayer and Action with a week-long of activities. They will hold awareness programs about DPAC for various students, as wellas hold a “Promoting Ethics in Education” Program to orphanages. There will also be a workshop/training program for children in the orphanage on the issue of empowering children. DPAC Nepal will also organize “Positive Parenting and Family Values” workshops targeted at single mothers. Interfaith leaders will hold an Interfaith prayer and activities for the community. The activities will close with a poem or song competition for children across the region.

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