Who Celebrates the World Day?


Day of Prayer and Action for Children Ethiopia

The Day of Prayer and Action for children was celebrated in Addis Ababa Ethiopia with local women groups, some Ethiopian Inter Faith Dialogue members and members of Hidaya Development Association which supports orphan children. They came together mobilizing about 100 children at the Merwa International Academy for interfaith prayers, discussions and games. The children were accompanied with their parents and guardians who discussed maternal health and child mortality in Ethiopia. It was generally agreed that DPAC and other forums should be used to sensitize people around children concerns including their health education and general development.

Prayers were made by local religious leaders and children themselves. The participants prayed for the children’s parents and guardians, and children around the world who have been displaced because of natural and manmade disasters specially remembering children of Haiti and Pakistan. In addition, the children and their parents were involved in games which gave the children a chance to interact and have fun. The kids were also provided with school supplies including pens, pencils, erasers and folders which were to support the mostly orphan children with their education. At the end of the program, some refreshment were served to all participants.

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