How to get involved in the World Day

Planning, implementing, and promoting a World Day celebration
Interested in hosting a World Day celebration? Check out the following steps and find out how to do it.
For children and youth:
Find out how you could co-host or join a World Day celebration!
Step 1:
First, check the map to see if the World Day has ever been celebrated in your country.
If your country is on the World Day map, we encourage you to contact the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) committee or member in your country to join them in planning and implementing the World Day.
If the World Day has never been celebrated in your country, we encourage you to start by approaching other faith and spiritual communities and faith-based and civil society organizations to join you in your effort to celebrate the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children. You could use the Introduction letter template to address potential partners in the Guide Advocating for Children’s Rights and Well-being: An interfaith approach as a starting point to identify and gather your World Day team.
Remember to also involve children as part of World Day organizing team!
Click here to learn about the ways to engage children meaningfully and ethically, while keeping them safe.
Step 2:
Getting prepared!
Check-out the Guide Advocating for Children’s Rights and Well-being: An interfaith approach to understand what prayer and action means in the various world’s major religions (chapter 2) and how an interfaith approach to advocacy for children’s rights and well-being can greatly enrich the impact of the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children (chapter 3.1). Remember to take a look at the annexes of the Guide’s Companion Toolkit for relevant resources on violence against children. If you have any questions, please contact us here.
Step 3:
Planning and implementing!
Use chapter 3.2 of the Guide on Developing an Advocacy Strategy to plan your World Day celebration. Read about the advocacy cycle to identify and prioritize the issue you wish to address for your World Day, identify the key stakeholders to influence and partner with, as well as the types of activities that could be considered for your celebration.
You can use the Guide’s Companion Toolkit for collaborative World Day planning with children. The activities in the toolkit take the advocacy cycle into action and will help you in the process of planning and implementing a successful World Day celebration. For all your World Day activities, please remember to always prioritize children’s safety and safeguarding!
Step 4:
Let’s spread the word!
Promote your World Day celebration by:
- Following and using the World Day campaign hashtags and communication pieces designed by Prayer and Action for dissemination.
- Engaging in online advocacy and mobilization: use the Advocacy Guide (page 93) for recommendations regarding social media presence and useful communication channels.
- Using Press Release and Petition Templates available here.
Documenting your actions and events by taking pictures and videos.