Information is essential for every leader who wants to take action and do it well. That is why the World Day offers its compact “ABCs of Action and Advocacy” series online. Each title provides a “big picture” overview on a particular issue followed by progress to date and action ideas. Brief stories, quotes, and facts are offered that can be easily shared. And further resources are listed, to connect you with the global community of child advocates at work on the issues.
Three new titles will be available soon, to undergird efforts for stopping violence against children:
A Guide to Non-Violent Discipline and Positive Parenting.
Parents all around the world share a deep desire for their children to grow up well and have good lives. They never want to hurt them. But what kinds of discipline can they use, when they want to guide the children? How can fathers and mothers learn “positive parenting” skills that are effective without being too forceful? This World Day guide will focus on helping parents to find methods that will work while also protecting their children’s development. Information on faith-based beliefs about effective parenting will be included.
Universal Birth Registration: Passport to Protection.
Imagine that you know your name, your age, and who your parents are — but you have no birth certificate, so you don’t legally exist. Over 50 million children worldwide live this way, denied access to school or health care services and greatly vulnerable to child labour, early marriage, child trafficking, and other risks. This resource will share obstacles to birth registration; notes from the field on what has worked so far; and ideas for using the power of communication, creativity, and advocating for changes in policy and procedure.
Ending Child Marriage.
Every year, 10 million girls under the age of 18 are married, putting them at high risk for domestic violence as well as injury or death from sexual activity and childbearing. They lose their chance to go to school, and without education, the cycle of poverty continues. UNICEF describes early marriage as the most prevalent form of sexual abuse and exploitation of girls, affecting one out of every three girls in developing countries. What are five key strategies that help prevent child marriage? Read this ABC to find out, and take action to help! This ABC will explain, and urge readers to take action to help.