Ornella Barros C.
Ornella is originally from Colombia. She has more than twelve years of international experience in child rights, research and advocacy with a focus on child protection and care, children’s participation, and child rights governance. She is a trainer, practitioner, evaluator and advocate.
She has widespread direct experience working with vulnerable communities, children and youth including communities affected by armed conflict, children and youth in conflict with the law, working children, victims of abuse and exploitation, and communities highly affected by poverty.
She has widespread direct experience working with vulnerable communities, children and youth including communities affected by armed conflict, children and youth in conflict with the law, working children, victims of abuse and exploitation, and communities highly affected by poverty. Her work experience comprises diverse development and emergency contexts including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, El Salvador, Greece, Mexico, Romania, and Tanzania.
Ornella is a political scientist and holds a master’s degree on Human Rights from the University of Oslo. She works as program officer for Arigatou International New York office since 2018. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and French. Her experience includes collaboration with child-focused organizations like UNICEF, World Vision, The European Wergeland Center, Terre des Hommes International Federation, Save the Children, Kindernothilfe, and SOS Children’s Villages.