

Tips for Planning Your World Day Activity

June-July – Getting Ready

  • Read through the World Day Resource Sheet.  Set up a file, folder or notebook to jot down ideas and stay organized.
  • Find co-workers.  Send out a call or invitation through your worship bulletin, newsletter, email list, or other ways.
  • Who in your community (house of worship and beyond) has a passion for working with/for children?  And in what capacity do they enjoy working? 
  • Invite someone with time and interest to assist you in organizing.  For example, a retired teacher or an unemployed student.  Give your volunteer a title that he/she can use in their resume, such as “World Day of Prayer and Action for Children Project Assistant.”

August – Hone the Vision + Form the Teams

Form your small planning committee. To shape your activity, ask: “What can we do for children where we are?” and “What can we do with what we have?”

Enlist and brainstorm for “team captains” in six areas in the activity planning manual (religious leader, project developer, promotion/media, location, volunteers, young adults). 

Develop a list of children’s needs via a short meeting, email or education committee agenda item, for example. Select from the list what is doable and most helpful. The ideal Nov 20 activity will combine what children need with the strengths and abilities of your group. 

Announce in your regular Fall communications channels (monthly newsletter, bulletin board) that World Day 2011 is coming. Decide on a date (whether Nov 20 or another) and ask people to hold it.

September – Boost the Teams

Meet again with your planning committee. Involve parents and children in outreach and programming. Ask your house of worship schoolteachers how children might take part.

Dream up a symbolic activity that will unify the World Day in the minds of the public – e.g. a moment of silence, a meaningful song, a practical visual such as a cap or T-shirt.

Identify who has gifts in music and song leading, arts and crafts, fabric/banner/mural arts, movement arts, food and transportation. Agree on who will do what by when.

Raise visibility through established networks and innovative communication. For example: local radio shows, existing newsletters, established task forces and social networking media.

Check in regularly with your team captain leaders to see what they need and how to support them. 

Contact us at newyork[at]

Post your activity on the World Day Map.


Review what you have done so far. What still needs attention? Do a new, clean “to do” list if that helps you focus.

Check in with team leaders to encourage and support them. Remind them to enlist persons who would enjoy taking part such as by assisting activity leaders, taking photographs, writing captions or a summary for the World Day or others.

Review the World Day Planning Guide. Find someone to help with media coverage. Thorough planning now will make all of your efforts run more smoothly later.

Promote your gathering. How will you draw attention to the celebration, remind people about it, and generate excitement? Who can help you reach others to ensure a good turnout? Ask that person to help you!


Need a World Day poster, brochure, logo, press release template or tips for photographers? All of these resources await you at “Promote and Publicize Your Event.”

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