What We Do
Established by Arigatou International in 2008, the initiative Prayer and Action for Children convenes diverse religious leaders and faith communities at global, regional and national/local levels to promote interfaith cooperation and advocacy for the rights of children, to promote policies that benefit children and to influence positive social and behavioral change to end violence against children. Prayer and Action for Children promotes children’s meaningful participation in activities whenever possible, including inter-generational dialogue, to ensure their voices are heard.
The work of Prayer and Action for Children is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals— especially the targets related to children—and the Panama Declaration on Ending Violence Against Children and its Ten Commitments.
In close collaboration with members of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) in 57 countries, Prayer and Action for Children leads the annual World Day of Prayer and Action for Children on November 20, the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and is also World Children’s Day. The World Day has been celebrated in over 90 countries and 94% of the activities were interfaith and brought together many diverse religions and faiths to work for children’s rights and their well-being.
Activities on a World Day might include spiritual and religious ceremonies and meditation, and also promotes action for children’s rights and well-being. It brings together children and adults from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to take actions that advance and advocate for the respect and protection of their rights and help protect them from all forms of violence.
The World Day offers an opportunity to address important child rights issues such as putting an end to child sexual abuse and exploitation, child marriage, school violence and physical and humiliating punishment of children. High priorities include advocating for the safety of children online, promoting universal birth registration and addressing the effects of climate change on children’s health and well-being.
Innovative and inspiring advocacy actions have been held to commemorate the World Day and to influence stakeholders, particularly at the grassroots level, to achieve positive change for children. The World Day provides opportunities to announce new activities planned for the year ahead, celebrate achievements, thank and acknowledge partners and collaborators and build synergies.
World Day of Prayer and Action Reports
Learn more about the actions and achievements of the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children here.

Arigatou International Reports

Annual Report
Arigatou International Annual Report: April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021

Annual Report
Arigatou International Annual Report: April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020