Success Stories
This Success Stories series tells the inspiring stories of World Day actions in selected countries and provides resources and recommendations for organizing similar actions in your community.

Bangladesh: Mobilizing a community to end sexual violence against children
Save the Children and Breaking the Silence have a longstanding partnership in Bangladesh focused on the issue of child sexual abuse. Their collaboration began with an awareness raising campaign initiated in 1994. In 2012, they carried out World Day actions for the first time. The World Day theme of protection of children from violence aligned well with the ongoing work and priorities of both organizations.

Myanmar: Promoting positive discipline among educators
In Mandalay, Myanmar, on December 8 and 9 2012, a group of two hundred educators and leaders from monastic schools gathered to participate in the second annual Education Fair and Seminar. The INEB collaborated with CPME and other partners to organize the event, which took place at the largest monastic school in Myanmar, Phaung, Daw Oo Monastic School. The World Day Secretariat supported the activity by providing modest funding and sending a staff person to facilitate a workshop on positive parenting and schooling on the first day of the Seminar.

USA: Building connections among young mothers
The 2012 World Day commemoration at Covenant House in New York City exemplifies how an intimate and simple program to mark the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children (World Day) can be used to foster a sense of community among young mothers facing adversity.

Jordan and Nepal: Fostering creativity to promote social change
Activities for the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children (World Day) can take many forms, ranging from large-scale, high-profile celebrations to smaller, targeted workshops and trainings. In 2011, World Day actions organized by Mashrek International School in Jordan and Alliance for Peace, Education and Development (APED) in Nepal, exemplified the latter approach.

Dominican Republic: Leveraging World Day for national policy reform
The 2011 World Day actions in the Dominican Republic demonstrate how the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children (DPAC) can strengthen an existing group of partners and provide them with an ongoing strategic focus for their work together. The DPAC celebration was integrated into a wave of activities focused on the issue of violence against children sweeping across the Dominican Republic and the region. DPAC linked these national and regional policy initiatives to community-level outreach.

Portugal: Igniting transformative youth-led community action
The 2011 World Day actions in Portugal exemplify the power of youth-led, community-level efforts to address violence against children. The national network of the Apostolic Catholic Youth Movement (MAAC) has been supporting community celebrations of DPAC since 2009. In 2011, MAAC’s national network served as a catalyst to initiate the youth-driven actions in nine cities across Portugal.

Tanzania: Building a national movement to address violence against children
The 2011 World Day actions in Tanzania showcase a wealth of approaches to sensitizing a nation about the issue of violence against children. DPAC was used to consolidate existing efforts to address violence against children and garner support among diverse constituencies. The series of World Day actions included forums for children; a workshop for journalists, religious leaders, community representatives, and children; a text messaging campaign; and the creation and performance of songs about stopping violence against children. Actions culminated on 20 November 2011 in a large-scale celebration with more than 2000 participants.

Sri Lanka: Honoring children in vulnerable situations
The 2011 World Day celebration in Sri Lanka demonstrates how World Day of Prayer and Action for Children (DPAC) can be used to honor and empower children in vulnerable situations. The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement is a large and established Sri Lankan organization providing social services and development and relief programmes. In Sanskrit, Sarvodaya signifies Awakening of All, and Shramadana means to donate effort. Sarvodaya has been organizing regional and national actions for DPAC since 2008. Each year, the organization expands the reach of the World Day by involving new actors and communities in the actions. In 2011, Sarvodaya worked through its extensive programs and strong network to plan a celebration for children and workers in childcare institutions, focused on the theme of ending all forms of violence against children.