Who Celebrates the World Day?


A Day of Prayer and a Festival of the Arts

A day of prayer and a festival of the arts, with music and art performances will be preceded by a march through the streets promoting the rights of children. The children of Ecuador will present a statement to government officials.

Activity Recap

On November 22, an art festival (music, theater, dance) was organized at the City Hall of Quito, with the participation of 350 children and more than 50 adults, including religious leaders and teachers.

After a brief introduction by GNRC Coordinator, pastor Ramiro Balseco of the Methodist Church led an interfaith prayer. Then a puppet’s show named Stop Violence Against Children was organized by representatives of the Catholic church Jesus Sembrador de la Palabra. Various music and dance performances were presented by children of schools and churches (indigenous evangelical church Profetas de Dios, Methodist Church, Benito Juarez School, among others). After that, children and adolescents representing different religions and organizations marched along the streets of the city centre with signs and slogans promoting the rights of children and urging the elimination of violence against them.

The children also addressed the governmental authorities claiming the need for the elimination of all forms of violence that affect them. White balloons were released into the air as a symbol of hope and peace for the children all over the world.

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