Who Celebrates the World Day?


Porto Alegre

Inter-religious celebrations will be held across the country during the week leading up to November 20th, the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children and also Black Consciousness Day in Brazil.

The observances – in Porto Alegre, São Paulo, Brasília, Belém and Recife — are being organized by the Brazil chapter of the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) and the Children’s Pastoral, a country-wide church-based organization that teaches mothers basic health-care skills.

The schedule of events will include a moment of mysticism, during which each religious tradition will engage in its form of prayer and define a concrete action related to this year’s World Day themes:  breastfeeding, racism and discrimination, and violence.

Some activities under consideration are:

* Inter-religious celebrations, with symbols, vigils and processions;
* Cultural and inter-faith projects;
* Showcases of posters and paintings, and positive experience-sharing at
schools and catechism classes on the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
* Activities in town squares, with the participation of children and adolescents;
* Presentation to the Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents;
* Spreading the word about the World Day on murals, radios and newspapers.

Click here for suggested prayers for children

“We want to gather the different religions in a global appeal for children to be respected, protected and loved.” Dr. Zilda Arns, Children’s Pastoral founder, 2009 World Day

20 de novembro – Rezar e Agir pela Criança (En Português)

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