Who Celebrates the World Day?


Stop Violence Against Children: Açores, Portugal

DPAC will be celebrated from North until south and Portuguese islands (Açores and Madeira)

On each Region, Facilitators will gather a group of children and reflect and discuss with them about the Violence Children face in their Country and community:

We are preparing a workshop using Learning to Live together approach:

a. Using case studies around violence against children and promote a role-playing.

b. Using some facts collected in our communities, media (daily journal, webpage, etc.) in group discussions.

c. Using video to personal reflection and/or group discussion.

d. Promoting discussion in order to hear how children experience violence in their daily life:

  1. Have you ever experienced violence? When? In which context (home, school, institution, community)? What kind of violence (physical, emotional, etc.).
  2. How much violence affects the ones you love/friends?
  3. What are, in your opinion, the causes of that?
  4. What are the consequences?
  5. What can we do about it?
  6. If you could send a message to the world/your community about it, what would it be?
  7. Would you like to present your message in your community/world? How?

We will al so try to prepare a report and discuss with them the issues involved and explore joint actions to stop violence against children.

e. Prepare the presentation of the workshop in the community

We will also organize a small final celebration In this celebration we intend to:

a. Read a few articles of the CRC that talk about the issues you have discussed.

b. Remember children that have been affected by violence and celebrate the progress done in the protection of children (use positive experiences).

c. Present your report.

d. Do a symbolic action of commitment to stop violence against children.

Keywords: violence against children, positive parenting, Portugal, Europe, fbo, faith based organization, education, corporal punishment, UN, United Nations,

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