November 17th, 2022
9:00 I 9:30
Opening session – World Day of Prayer and Action for Children 2022
Gregorian University (Aula Magna)
Ms. Rebeca Rios Kohn
Director, Arigatou International – New York
(Master of Ceremonies)
Welcome by Father Hans Zollner S.J,
Director Institute of Anthropology.
Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity
and Care (IADC) | Pontifical Gregorian University,
and member of the Pontifical Commission
for the Protection of Minors.
Rev. Keishi Miyamoto,
President, Arigatou International
Ms. Sarah Martelli
Coordinator a.i. UNICEF’s National Response, Italy.
Msgr. Indunil Janakaratne
Kodithuwakku Kankanamalage
Secretary of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council
for Interreligious Dialogue
H.E. Judge Abdelsalam.
General Secretary Council of
Muslim Elder and General Secretary
of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.
Prof. Ambrogio Bongiovanni
Director, Center for Interreligious Studies,
Pontifical Gregorian University
9:30 I 10:30
Plenary session – Protecting Children’s Dignity! A call to action for Children on the Move
Gregorian University (Aula Magna)
Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J.
Prefect, Migrants & Refugees Section,
Dicastery for Promoting
Integral Human Development
Dr, Benyam Dawit Mezmur
Member of the Committee
on the Rights of the Child,
and member of the Pontifical Commission
on the Protection of Minors
(appointed by the Holy Father Pope Francis)
Ms. Gillian Triggs
UN Assistant Secretary-General
and UNHCR Assistant High
Commissioner for Protection
Dr. Antonia Testa
Scientific Director of the Center for
Ultrasound in Gynecological Oncology
of the Agostino Gemelli University
Hospital Foundation.
President of Focolare Movement in Rome.
H.E. Metropolitan Emmanuel
Chair of the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities,
Co-Moderator and Executive Committee Member
of Religions for Peace.
Rabbi Dr Riccardo Di Segni
Chief Rabbi of Rome.
10:45 I 12:15
Thematic session:
Focus: Faith Action for Children on the Move: Towards increased collaboration and impact
Host: World Vision, WCC, JLI, UNICEF. IRW
Gregorian University (Aula Magna)
Ms. Amanda Rives
WVI, Sr. Director Disaster Management.
Ms. Andrea Kaufmann
WVI, Director Faith and External Engagement
Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome
Secretary General,
Centre for Sustainable Conflict Resolution,
and Legal Advisor, Supreme Council
of Kenya Muslims, Kenya
Mr. Alberto Quattrucci
Sant’Egidio Rome representative
Ms. Amanda Melville
UNHCR representative
Mr. Bo Viktor Nuyland
Head of Innocenti, Office of Research
Ms. Kirsten Laursen Muth
CEO Joint Learning Initiative
for Faith and Local Communities
14:00 I 15:00
Thematic session:
Focus: The work of faith communities in protecting children on the move Host: Global Network of Religions for Children
Gregorian University (Aula Magna)
Dr. Mustafa Y Ali
Secretary General of the GNRC-MC and Moderator
Ms. Dana Humaid
Chief Executive Interfaith
Alliance for Safer Communities
Sh. Ibrahim Lethome
Secretary General, CSCR,
and Legal Advisor, SUPKEM
Mr. Luciano Cadoni
Alliance for the Protection
of Children Project (LAC)
Ms. Ismeta Salihspahic
GNRC Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ms. Natalia Seriakova
GNRC Coordinator for Germany
Ms. Laura Molnar
GNRC Coordinator for Romania
Fr. Abdo Raad
GNRC Coordinator for Lebanon
Child from GNRC
Europe and Latin America
15:30 I 17:00
Plenary session:
World Day of Prayer and Action for Children 2022 Host: World Day Committee
Gregorian University (Aula Magna)
Ms. Rebeca Rios-Kohn
(Master of Ceremonies)
Rev. Keishi Miyamoto
President, Arigatou International
Archbishop Julio Murray
Primate Anglican Church of Central America
Archbishop Felix Machado
Archbishop of Vasai, and Secretary General,
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI)
Prof. Azza Karam (Ph.D.)
Secretary General Religions for Peace.
Ms. Muzoon Almellehan
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
Tudor (Romania) and Anja (Serbia)
for an in-person dialogue
with Ms. Muzoon Almellehan.
Katherine (El Salvador) and Hassan (Malawi)
UNHCR Global Youth Advisory Council representatives
17:00 I 18:00
Wear My Shoes Awards Closing Session
Host: Arigatou International and Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities.
Reading of Joint Statement from Rome on the World Day 2022
Gregorian University (Aula Magna)
Presentation of the Awards:
H.E. Metropolitan Emmanuel
Chair of the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities,
Co-Moderator and Executive Committee
Member of Religions for Peace.
Mr. Hironari Miyamoto
Secretary General Myochikai
Ms. Ivana Barać
Representative from
Sombor Educational Center (Serbia)
Winner Wear My Shoes Awards 2021.
Dr. Vinu Aram
President Shanti Ashram
and the International Center for Child and Public Health
(on behalf of the World Day Committee)
Father Hans Zollner S.J
Director Institute of Anthropology.
Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity
and Care (IADC) | Pontifical Gregorian University,
and member of the Pontifical Commission
for the Protection of Minors
19:30 I 22:30
Our Heroes Gala-Dinner
Hosted by The Global Collaborative for the Protection and Healing of Child Dignity
Chiostro del Bramante, Via della Pace.
November 18th, 2022
9:00 I 10:00
Thematic session:
Focus: The Impact of Forced Displacement on the Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-being of Children and the Role of Faith Communities
Host: The International Consortium on Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Prevention of Violence
(livestreamed – interpretation available)
Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù
Dr. Vinu Aram
President, Shanti Ashram and the International
Center for Child and Public Health
Dr. Jennifer S. Wortham
Research Associate at The Human
Flourishing Program Harvard Institute
for Quantitative Social Science
Sr. Grace Marie Horan
FSE., Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue
Chiara Servili
MD MPH PhD, Technical officer,
Child and adolescent Mental and Brain Health,
Department of Mental Health and Substance Use,
World Health Organization, Geneva
Dr. Gelly Aroni
Head of the Unit for Integration and Support
in the Special Secretariat for the
Protection of Unaccompanied
Minors Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Greece
Ms. Chrysa Papadaki
Program Manager, HIAS Poland Country Office
Kirsten Larsen Muth
CEO Joint Learning Initiative for Faith and Local Communities
10:30 I 12:15
Special Event:
Launch of Toolkit on Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years - A Contribution to the Protection of Children from Violence and the Promotion of Their Holistic Well-Being
Host: The International Consortium on Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Prevention of Violence.
Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù
Rev. Miyamoto, President
Arigatou International
Dr. Rima Salah
Chair, Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC);
Assistant Clinical Professor, Yale Child Study Center;
Former Assistant Secretary-General
of the United Nations
Ms. Najat Maalla M’jid
Special Representative of the UN Secretary General
on Violence against Children
Ms. Stella Ayo-Odongo
Director, Pathfinding, Global Partnership to End
Violence against Children
Prof. Anantanand Rambachan
Professor of Religion at St. Olaf University,
and Visitor Professor at Academy
for the Study of World Religions,
University of Hamburg
Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe
Executive Director
Arigatou International – Geneva
Dr. Ilham Nasser
Director, Human Development Program,
Senior Researcher, Advancing Education
in Muslim Societies (AEMS),
International Institute for Islamic Thought
Ms. Caroline Arnold
Education and Early Childhood Consultant
Ms. Stella Ndugire
Technical Advisor
Nurturing Care for Early Childhood
Development at Division
of Neonatal and Child Healt (DNCH),
Ministry of Health in Kenya.
Representative, Africa Early Childhood Network
Sr. Pauline Acayo
SCORE ECD Project in Kenya,
Malawi, Ghana and Zambia,
Catholic Relief Services
Maechee Jutipa Tapasuthi
Founder, Dhamanurak Foundation,
International Network of Engaged Buddhists
Dr. Nelson Arns Neumann
International Coordinator Pastoral da Criança
Ms. Neelam Fida
Head of Programme Quality,
International Programmes Division,
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Ms. Andrea Kaufmann
Director, Faith and External Engagement,
World Vision International
Dr. Vinu Aram
President, Shanti Ashram – India
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne
President, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement
Sri Lanka
Ms. Frederique Seidel
Programme Executive for Child Rights,
and Manager of the WCC-UNICEF Partnership,
World Council of Churches
Ms. Kimberly Parent
External Affairs Officer, World Bank Group
Dr. Xiaoan Li
Senior Program Officer, Fetzer Institute
Dr. Imam Rashied Omar
Research Scholar of Islamic
Studies and Peacebuilding
University of Notre Dame
Kroc Institute for Peace Studies (USA)
and Imam of the Claremont Main Road Masjid
Cape Town, South Africa
12:30 I 13:15
Interfaith Service for Children’s Dignity
Host: World Day Committee
Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù
14:30 I 15:30
Pathways to Healing for Survivors of Child Abuse, Neglect and Violence
Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù
Ms. Rebeca Rios Kohn
Director, Arigatou International
New York”
“Dr. Jennifer S. Wortham
Research Associate,
The Human Flourishing Program,
Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science”
Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio,
First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone
Sponsor of the UN World Day
Prof. Marci Hamilton
JD: Founder and CEO Child Global,
and Professor of Practice in Political Science,
University of Pennsylvania
Mr. Thomas Muller
Director, ECPAT International
Mr. Cornelius Williams
Director of Child Protection Unit, UNICEF
Eirliani Abdul Rahman
FRSA MSc, Prajna Leadership & Julio Frenk
DrPH Fellow Harvard T.H.
Chan School of Public Health
H.E. Afra Mohamed Alsaabri
Director General
Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence
United Arab Emirates
Mrs. Sarah Ahmad
Chairperson Child
Protection Welfare Bureau Punjab, Pakistan