Working to create a world where children are free from violence.
Children in Focus
Children in Focus emerges as part of the learning process initiated by Arigatou International and the Inter-American Children’s Institute through the course “Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Children’s Rights – States and Faith-Based Civil Society Organizations.” This course is designed as a platform for reflection, dialogue, and advocacy on the human rights of children.
“A Million Feet from Home: A Call to Action for Children on the Move”
This short documentary aims to raise awareness of the urgent need to safeguard children, particularly amid global seismic and unprecedented displacement being caused by armed conflict, poverty, and increasing natural disasters. These factors are putting children even more at risk, leaving them more vulnerable to violence, exploitation, and abuse while denying them their fundamental human rights, such as access to education, healthcare, and the right to be able to play and grow free from violence. While governments struggle to resolve the issues of migration and forced displacement adequately, religious leaders of diverse traditions and faith groups, as well as like-minded child focused organizations, are joining forces and resources to respond well beyond “a prayer.” They are taking meaningful action and working together, and increasingly in an interfaith manner, to ensure that refugee and migrant children’s voices are heard.
On November 17 and 18, 2022, Arigatou International gathered global faith leaders, human rights experts and NGOs in Rome, Italy, for the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children 2022 for interfaith prayers and an international forum on the rights, dignity, and well-being of children on the move. The short documentary was produced by Arigatou International in collaboration with New York filmmaker, Jeff Oppenheim.
World Day of Prayer and Action 2023
According to UNICEF, climate change is the biggest threat to children, impacting their health, education, and rights. Many children in 33 countries face high risks due to climate effects. Children are more vulnerable to climate impacts, like disrupted education and health. Moving due to climate change raises risks of abuse. Droughts and floods have harmed 149 million children, and 345 million people in 82 countries faced severe food shortages by mid-2022
GNRC SIXTH FORUM 2024 19-21 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Arigatou International will convene the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Sixth Forum from November 19 – 21, 2024. The Forum, to be hosted by the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities (IAFSC) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, will bring together children, youth, religious leaders, policymakers, governmental, intergovernmental, and multilateral organizations, and grassroots child rights workers to discuss and recommend proposals for action on some of the most critical issues facing children globally.
Little Buddha Exploring Child Protection in Buddhist Communities across Southeast Asia - A Scoping Study
The insights and recommendations provided in this study are intended to serve as a reference for religious leaders and educators in Buddhist educational institutions with the goal to provide the knowledge and tools needed to strengthen child protection.
Commemorating the ''World Day for prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Explotation, Abuse, and Violence''
Arigatou International – Prayer And Action For Children, a global NGO whose mission is “All for Children,” invited everyone to join in the second-year commemoration of the “World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence” this November 18, 2023.
Advocating for Children's Rights and Well-Being
The Advocacy Guide and Companion Toolkit have been jointly developed by the Prayer and Action for Children and Global Network of Religions for Children initiatives of Arigatou International.

Faith and Children’s Rights:
A Multi-Religious Study on the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Arigatou International developed Faith and Children’s Rights: A Multi-religious Study on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to mark the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the CRC in 2019.
Prayer and Action's work
Since 2008, Prayer and Action’s work has reached over 90 countries around the world to promote multi-stakeholder collaboration for children’s rights and well-being, with a focus on ending violence against children.
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About Arigatou International
Arigatou International is “All for Children” and works with people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to build a better world for children. Believing that every girl and boy is a precious treasure of humanity, Arigatou International draws on universal principles of common good found in religious and spiritual traditions and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Arigatou employs interfaith and intercultural approaches to promote children’s rights and well-being, seeking to bring about positive change at all levels—from the grassroots to the global.